Cleethorpes Carnival 2016
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who took part in this years Cleethorpes Carnival. We had a BRILLIANT time and most importantly, we raised some fantastic funds for our chosen charities 🙂
£100 St Andrews Childrens Hospice & £100 St Johns Ambulance
You all did a fantastic job and none of this would have been possible without the assistance from yourselves and local companies.
BIG SHOUT OUTS go to – Bring Cargo & Team – Craig Hepton & Mick Dale, Dave Burns at Dance Magic Dance Shop, Andy Carr, Mr Exhausts, Roly Linfitt, Keith Jones, The Artiez Team & last but not least, the wonderful parents and children who assisted us in the build up. None of this would have been possible without you all so thankyou xxx